Room temperature water is better than cold, cool is better than hot3. It will be much
easier to manage if they start with a minimum of one drink bottle [average 600mls]
and then build up to at least three [totalling 1800mls].You'll probably notice that they're running
off to the bathroom quite a bit extra. Without proper hydration - drinking plenty of
water - the body will eventually feel the side effects - stomach aches, vomiting, headaches,
aches and pains in arms and legs. Remember to sip not guzzle so you don't
get a stomach-ache7. Sip some during 1/2 time and finish the bottle after the game5.
It is a good idea to start drinking extra water the day before your game.
For the rest of the day, drink water. Up to 2 litres of water at
least, is recommended, however tn requin stop if you start feeling uncomfortable6. Healthy, energy boosting snacks are
a good idea in the lead up to the game, but if they're feeling unwell
afterward, keep food intake to small amounts of plain food that is easily digestible.If your
child is prone to heat effects then they may need to embark on a daily
course of hydration. If you feel sick and head-achey after a game [not withstanding previous
symptoms of illness, of course], make sure you're drinking plenty of water, put a cool,
damp cloth on your head and/or back of neck, and rest - out of the
sun! If symptoms persist longer than a few hours or really get serious you may
need a trip to the nearest doctor or medical clinic8. This is to be expected
and should settle down once their body becomes nike tn used to the extra water.Naturally, if any
troubling symptoms appear, then a medical check may be necessary and further research into the
cause and effect of heat exhaustion required.~~~~~~~Trish is a freelance writer for hire. Plain water
is better than flavoured [cordials, soft drink, powerade type drinks]. Don't drink them.2. Kids need
to drink plenty of water before, during and after their sporting events in order to
help prevent the effects of lack of hydration and heat exhaustion. They don't need to
start off with the whole amount on day one though. Drink a regular bottle of
water two hours before your game then sip more in the lead up4. If your
coach or team manager hasn't mentioned it yet, ask them. This can be pretty serious
stuff! There's not much point in participating in sport if you spend the four to
six hours right after the game in pain and doubled over the toilet bowl. As
mentioned, up to 2 litres of water per day is the current recommendation. This is
something the parents and the child can manage themselves and will save a lot of
mess and illness later.Hydration is also important enough to include in training and information sessions.
Once you start playing you also start sweating so, if you like them, a drink
such as Powerade or Staminade helps give back some of the salt you sweat out.
In order to prevent such dire, yet easily attainable, straits, here's a few tips on
hydrating.1. Soft drinks or sodas have no nutritional value. Read more of her articles and
pick up a copy of her new e-book, Plan to Write Plan to Succeed, for
free at [].