In Swedish massage the basic movements are effleurage (long, gliding strokes), petrissage (lifting and kneading the
muscles), friction (firm, deep, circular rubbing movements), apotement (brisk tapping or percussive movements), and vibration
(rapidly shaking or vibrating specific muscles). Interestingly these are also basic techniques of tui na
and Chinese massage.So we can now see that Swedish massage derived from the older Chinese
massage yet studies seem to show nothing conclusive. All ancient civilisations' texts mention massage and
in China it is taught in medical schools. It has been round for thousands of
years and is the most common form of healing used by most health practitioners in
the air max france Western world and we have seen that it actually derived from a much older
Chinese form of massage. Mention the word massage in the Western world and most men
will give a cheeky grin, yet this form of healing has been around forever and
even has a biblical reference from c. That said would it still be so wide
spread if it didn't work and would so many different forms of massage have developed?Probably
the most notable European development of massage came from Per Hendrik Ling in the 18th
Century who developed what is now known as Swedish massage. Therefore, I would dare to
say that air max france "YES" massage does work even though we haven't quite mastered measuring its effectiveness
yet.Where Does That Leave Massage?It leaves us with the requirement to start doing effective trials
to measure if massage actually does work, this may then finally make the orthodox medical
community take the ancient art of massage seriously.Maybe future massage trials cold be used to
determine the optimal frequency, duration and timing of massage therapy for various ailments and the
effect different types of massage have on different conditions. So why in the west does
its name have such links to the sex trade? That is a hard question to
answer but massage is the most natural therapy known to man: when a child falls
over the adult rubs or massages the area, it is that natural.But Does Massage Actually
Work?Many Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT's) seem to suggest that massage does work but many of
the trials are flawed in that they are open to bias, mainly because of a
lack of randomisation, blinding and placebo. 493 BC. That leaves us with Empirical research. It
seems there is still a huge amount of evidence gathering required if massage is going
to get the recognition it finally deserves.Resources for this article:Learn more about Massage Derby or
Derby massage by following the links..