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Trying to get your child to do his or her homework on their own just does
not work most of the time. So until you start to yell the child knows
they can buy time. You can read the question to your child and make sure
the child understands the question by explaining it to them with an example. If you
punish your child one time for a certain situation be sure to follow through with
the same consequences again. Why won't he or she just listen to you the first
time when you ask him/her to do something?A: Your child has gotten so used to
only having to listen to you when you yell. He or she knows you mean
business when you are yelling. nike tn Once your child understands the question you can see the
smile in your child's eyes.3) Not only is your child not listening to you, he
or she is not listening to his/her teachers at school. He or she just may
not understand the question on how to answer the problem. Or you can follow a
special diet for ADHD children, exercise, nature walks and organization.4) One day you do not
discipline your child for making you late to school and work because he/she could not
find his/her shoes. Your child's teacher may complain that your child is daydreaming or disrupting
the class while he/she is teaching.A: If your child does not understand the teacher's lessons
he/she will quickly become bored and look for other things tn requin to do while wasting time
at school. No matter how you talk to your child he or she just does
not want to do their schoolwork. Situations That Occur Over Discipline1) You find yourself yelling
all of the time at your ADHD child. You can have your child put on
prescribed medication by a physician. You know your child is smart as he or she
has given you the answers at an earlier date. The child just functions better. This
way your child will learn, "If I do this, I know what will happen."SummaryYour child
will listen to you by following the above measures so your child gets used to
the consequences.http://www.adhd-survival-guide.comKelley Lang is a marketing consultant for Dr. You need to show your child
you mean business the first time when you speak calmly.2) Homework time at home is
a disaster. He or she will complain they are too tired or they don't know
how to do it. Some children with ADHD have a hard time processing directions given
to them. You may even sit down and try to help the child. The next
day you punish your child and so forth.A: Children with ADHD need a set routine.
If you can implement a daily routine especially on school days, your household and stress
level will become much better. You probably think the child is just giving you a
hard time so you end up doing the work.A: Your child may know the answer
to the homework question. Ron Receveur..

